College Major & Career Pathway in Littleton, CO

Great College Advice tailors our college preparation approach to more than just selecting a school, but also preparing students for a career. This is done through 1-on-1 consultations with a member of the Great College Advice Team, who is chosen specifically for your student. Our team understands the daunting question most high schoolers face when researching colleges: what do you want to do for the rest of your life? Majors in college are designed as a path of study for students to follow throughout their college career, ranging from more general areas of study, such as communications or business, to more specific professions, such as those in biomedical engineering or illustration. 

The presence of majors can be intimidating due to their implication of finality, but they offer a great beginning to discovering your true career interests and gaining the skills necessary to stand out in your job search. Great College Advice is 100% focused on individual students, assessing their strengths and passions to help them decide on a major suited for them. 

There are many majors and career pathways to choose from, and they differ depending on the school – with Great College Advice, this array of choices can be narrowed down and tailored to the student to ensure success.

Choosing a Suitable College Major

A college major gives students a framework to assess their strengths and weaknesses. Students who know that math is not their strong suit, for instance, can instead aim for a major in the humanities. If students distance themselves from disinteresting topics, they will narrow their focus to fall in line with their strengths. 

This allows students to discover their academic talents and interests and harness them in their future careers. Our team of experts at Great College Advice can help lead students toward this discovery.

The Significance of a Career Pathway

A career pathway consists of a group of professions that are closely related, requiring similar skills and talents. Identifying an ideal career pathway, rather than obsessing over choosing a specific major, should be a student’s primary focus in their college career. 

Students that wish to pursue a career in the financial sector can have majors in economics, finance, business, or marketing. A student’s relevant experience and quality of their education will get a student a job in that career path; their specific major will simply be a guide to lead them toward their perfect job.

Littleton’s Go-To Center for College Major & Career Path Advising

One of the most historically rich municipalities in Colorado, Littleton got its name from one of the area’s original European settlers, Richard Sullivan Little. Prior to his arrival, indigenous tribes had inhabited the area, and before them, records indicate that even prehistoric humans inhabited the land several millennia ago. If that’s a lot to take in, do not worry; Littleton has you covered with its expansive Historical Museum, which explores thousands of years of cultural development. History is far from the town’s only attraction, however, as Littleton today is full of life, as well as outstanding public education. 

The city’s three high schools have all been nationally recognized, both in terms of educational merit and graduation rate. Alongside a low crime rate in the city, Littleton stands apart as an excellent location to raise children. Littleton offers more than 1,400 acres of green space and 200 miles of trails, where residents can camp, fish, kayak, and even horseback ride. In the evening time, catch some of Littleton’s community events, such as the Block Party in June, where you can see fireworks shows and grab delicious food from local vendors.

Create the Ideal Career Pathway with Great College Advice

Experts at Great College Advice have helped hundreds of students succeed in their college and career journeys. Be it college choice, career suggestions, or any other related topics, Great College Advice provides effective online consultations to discuss any aspect of the college process or beyond. High school students in Littleton can access a consultation from our team of experts to kickstart their career journey. Contact Great College Advice today to see how we can enhance your child’s college and career prospects at (720) 279-7577.