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University of Nevada, Reno – Hidden Surprises Around Every Corner

College Admissions Counseling to Pick the Right College For You
A man standing in front of many closed doors. University of Nevada Reno.

During a recent visit to Reno, Nevada for the “SuperACAC” Conference I had the opportunity to join other college counselors on a tour of University of Nevada, Reno.
What did I learn? If you can step outside the casino in Reno you might just find a pleasant surprise down the street at the University. I love when a large school is big on tradition or has a unique attribute to share. I found plenty to be surprised by on this campus!

Here are a few of the interesting tidbits I learned while there:

– Founded in 1874, the campus actually started in Elko. However, Elko didn’t quite have the “boom” officials hoped and thus the campus was moved to Reno.

-The University of Nevada’s mascot is the wolf and they refer to themselves as the “wolf pack.” However, this idea translates beyond just the sports arena. The campus looks to build a strong community, or what they call “one pack”, along the lines of their wolf pack idea.

-A quick walk through the art building (thanks to our tour guide who was a art major) allowed us to see a full stairway whose walls are designated as a “free expression art wall” for students. Students can truly leave their mark here (see pictures above of the wall, and a self-portrait by our tour guide!)

-If you are chosen to be an honors student you get to register first for your classes. Not only that, if you get a 4.0 through your whole career as a student (nothing below an A) you get your name on the special Honors Pillar.

-Do you believe in luck? The Mackay statue on campus is supposed to bring luck during finals. Each year students decorate with all sorts of their belongings and treats (see statue above).

-What other campus has a 24 karat gold water drinking fountain? None that I know of!
– Interested in becoming a judge? The University of Nevada Reno is home to the National Judicial College.

-What does the first floor of a library look like when you ask students to give their input? It turns out looking like a Starbucks (see last picture above).

-We didn’t have time during our tour but I hear a visit to the mining museum (mining engineering is big on campus) is worth a look.


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